// #################################################################################################### // # JGB (Justice Guestbook) Vers. 1.21 // #################################################################################################### // # // # Administration Loginpage (do not edit this file) // # // #################################################################################################### // # Copyright © 2001 by Justice Media // # Contact: kontakt@justice-media.de // # Homepage: http://www.justice-media.de // #################################################################################################### // # Leave this header in every file !!! // # // #################################################################################################### // # Justice Media offers no warranties on this script. // # The owner/licensee of the script is // # solely responsible for any problems caused by installation of // # the script or use of the script, including messages that may be // # posted on the JGB. // # // # All copyright notices regarding the Justice Guestbook // # must remain intact on the scripts and in the HTML // # for the scripts. // # // # For more info on the Justice Guestbook, // # see http://www.justice-media.de // #################################################################################################### if (file_exists("install.php")!=0 OR file_exists("update.php")!=0) { echo "
"; echo "ACHTUNG, die Dateien erst löschen, wenn Sie ausgeführt wurden!!!!
"; echo "
"; echo "" . getsets("addentrylink_text") . " | \n"; echo "\n"; echo "" . getsets("totalentries_text") . " $allentries ". getsets("pages_text") ." "; //show pages of jgb for($pages = 0;$pages<$allentries/$limit;$pages++) { $next = $pages * $limit; $page = $pages + 1; echo "$page "; } echo " | \n\n"; echo "||
" . getsets("name_text") . " | \n"; echo "" . getsets("entry_text") . " | \n||
$name \n"; echo ""; echo "" . getsets("location_text") . " $location"; echo " " . getsets("postdate_text") . " $date | \n";
echo "\n";
echo "$text "; echo "
| \n||
\n"; echo " | |||
"; include("cfooter.php"); //you are not allowed to delete this include echo " |
" . getsets("notfilled_text") . "
"; } echo "
"; include("cfooter.php"); //you are not allowed to delete this include include("htmlfooter.php"); } //edit or delete entry from guestbook if($action == "edit") { include("htmlheader.php"); $getentry_rs = getoneentry($id); $getentry = $db_sets->fetch_array($getentry_rs); $text = $getentry[entry]; echo "