123-Byte - New Robots - Electronic

System Concept


The system is designed in a modular way. Each card in the system is of size 50 mm x 80 mm, that is 1/4 Europa card. This size is easy to acquire by separating a card in the widespread Europa format of 100 mm x 160 mm once in both directions.

The size is just enough to place a 40 pin layer in the short direction. I also designed a cards that contains eight relais for a motor control. So a sufficient amount of functionality fits into this size.

The cards contain a hole of 3 mm diameter in each of its corners which have a distance of 4 mm to the edge (not exactly, because I use the holes of pre-drilled cards). When equipping the card a distance of 2 mm should be kept to the holes. These holes may be used to screw the board to a box or to pile several boards on upon another using distance rolls.

At the narrow edges a border of 3 mm should be left free of equipment. This border is meant for use of board holders.

On each card is a post connector with 2 x 2 pins for connections using the I2C bus at the lower left corner in a distance of 10 mm from the left edge. If enough space is available then a second I2C connector should be placed in about 5 mm distance.

application specifi connectors should be placed at the upper edge.

card dimensions

© Mario Boller-Olfert 2002 - E-Mail: Kontaktformular - 123-Byte - Marios Welt