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Multiple I/O Module

The multiple i/o module provides 16 ndigital i/o lines, 4 analog inputs and one analog output.

The module is controlled using an I2C interface, two ICs PCF8574 and one IC PCF8591. The addresses of the ICs are selectable using DIP switches, where the PCF8574 occupy two conscutive addresses.

The digital i/o are supplied by two 10 pole male connectors, which assignments are similar to the digital outputs on an Atmel STK500 board. The analog inputs are done by three pole connectors that include GND, +5V and the signal line. The reference voltage for the analog inputs may be adjusted by a trim resistor on the board.

Here I got a scan of the multi i/o module:

multi i/o module

© Mario Boller-Olfert 2002 - E-Mail: Kontaktformular - 123-Byte - Marios Welt