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Old robots: C-Control and Märklin-Metall

My first attempt was to buy a C-Control computer from the electronic distributor Conrad and to realize the hardware using Märklin Metal construction boxes. After a few successes at the beginning this attempt has been abandoned. The only good thing to tell is, that I got more money when auctioning the parts.

The C-Control was way to slow when prograaming with BASIC. Programming with assembler was a bit faster, but was limited to some bytes and therefore not suitsble for building intelligent robots.

The Märklin-Metall construction set has been even worse, it was absolutely improprietary for this aim. The stiltet connections loosened on vibrations in no time. The parts have been very heavy and so too much energy was needed for the movement. The supplied gears had heavy friction and consumed even more energy.

The goal was to create autonomous robots, which should work as a servant and react on spoken commands. It should be able to transport things like drinks and do simple homework like moulding plants and cleaning the floor.

The development should have been done in five steps. For simplicity I wanted to name the robots just "number 1" to "number 9".

linker Arm Kopf rechter Arm  
linker Fuss rechter Fuss
Tanzender Robbi
Nummer 1 

Number 1

The robot should have moved into the optimal direction and the optimal position for the maximum light gain to charge its accumulators.

The Märklin-Metall construction set has been chosen because of its good stability.

The elricity part contains a NiMH accumulator as power supply, which shall be feeded by a solar cell. This technique should have made possible the autonomous existence of the robot. Added was a DC Motor for driving and a servo for steerage.

The electronic consisted of a combination of a Conrad C-Control Microcontroller and a self build electronic circuit. Two photoresistors at the front measured direction and intensity of the light. The circuit contained a part to measure the accumulator voltage, so the load status could be controlled. The motor has been switched on/off and forward/backward using two relais.

The program moth has been written in C-Control basic. In addition I wrote an assembler program to control the servo.

Number 2 

Number 2

Also this Robot should have been manufactured using the Märklin-Metallbaukasten and some self produced parts.

The robot had been armed with an arm to move things like a waterglas. The mechanik has not been completed.

Copyright Mario Boller-Olfert 2000-2002 - EMAil:Kontaktformular - 123-Byte - Marios Welt